
Nexgen Marketing posted on September 13, 2018

Cloud services have become the most favoured options for businesses to meet their diverse IT needs. Cloud services offer quality reliability, and scaling, without any capital expenditures.

What is cloud computing?

Simply put, “cloud computing” means that the service or application is running on a server, owned and managed by someone else. Then why is it preferred? Because you don’t have to manage the server or anything associated with it like the physical space, power, data backups, security, licensing and all other aspects.

This would not cost much capital expense, removing maintenance charge and employee hiring activities. A cloud provider would be well equipped to provide the required services and resources as quickly as you need them.

Let’s take an example, you want an email system for your company. But you don’t want the hassle and expense of maintaining and upgrading an email server. Here, a professional email hosting service can do the job for you.

Cloud services- Pros

-  Reduces capital expense:

You don’t have to invest in depreciating hardware like servers, network or storage

-  High reliability:

Cloud service providers have all the necessary infrastructure, hardware, network and even data centres that you can make use of at an affordable cost Rapid scaling You can easily scale up or down your computing power based on need. Pay by usage level You don’t have to pay for the service on a pre-quoted basis. Pay for what you use on a flexible basis No maintenance You don’t have to take care of the intensive maintenance process. It wold be always taken care for you! 

Cloud services- Cons

-  Downtime:

Downtime is often cited as one of the biggest disadvantages of cloud computing. Since cloud models are internet-based take care of a number of clients each day service outages are always an unfortunate possibility that can occur for any reason.

- Vendor Lock-In

Vendor lock-in is another disadvantage of cloud computing. Any major difference between the vendor platforms may create difficulties in migrating from one cloud platform to another, which could lead to additional costs and complexities.

- Limited control and flexibility

Cloud users have less control over the function and execution of the services which works on the cloud-based infrastructure. A cloud provider’s policies policies might impose limits on what customers can do with their deployments.

Cloud services are an affordable way to provide IT services and offer great results for business owners, especially SMEs You just have to check about the options and providers that would work best for you!

Do cloud services make sense for you? Get a free consultation!

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